Make money with Kidazzler

Publish date: 2019-05-09

Do you live in Canada or the United States and have any interest in researching kid-focused and family-friendly businesses? Kidazzler is currently in the phase of building its directory of businesses and they are doing so by outsourcing the research to the public. All you have to do is sign up via a referral code and you will be able to refer others and submit basic information about businesses you find that are kid/family friendly. Their team will contact each business and try to get them to sign up as paid ad members. If any of the businesses you have entered (or "locked") under your account join, you get a share of the profits ($10/month for each business) as long as the business remains a paying member. A little bit of work up front for possibly an unending passive revenue stream for you.

Sounds easy right? Well, it would be if you had managed to get in earlier last year when the platform first opened. I find that it is very hard to find any businesses that haven't already been entered by somebody else. At least ones located in major urban areas. You only need to copy and paste the phone number of the business into the Kidazzler "Add a new business" form and it will instantly tell you if it already exists in their database. If so, look for another to try. Repeat this process until you find a business number that hasn't been entered, then continue to fill in the rest of the submission form which includes things like official name, address, website, email and brief description.

So, how can you find businesses that haven’t already been entered? One method is to open up google maps and start looking for the smaller towns around where you live. Then go to and search for "kids" (or any other keyword you think may be appropriate) in the search bar with that town set as the location. Expect most businesses in larger cities to already have been entered by others, but with a bit of effort, you can still find eligible entries in smaller towns. Of course, not everything is listed in yelp, so don’t forget to try entering places you know personally and from your local yellow pages directory.

To signup, follow this link,, because you will get immediate access to start locking in your businesses. Signing up without a referral will make you join a wait list and they are not currently activating new members without a referral.

I just started my efforts in this a few days ago, so I don't have any results to share with you yet. I will write an update article once I have some stats. The Kidazzler searchable database for end users is not available yet but is due to be released sometime later this year. Make sure to get in now before it's too late and help build their database for possible profits in the future.

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