My name is Marko Vidberg and I am a Canadian tech geek.
I have been involved with computers since 1985 and the Internet since 1995.
I have a wide breadth of knowledge in the computer field, with a university
degree in computer science and numerous years of work experience
in web development, Linux server administration, programming,
database administration, networking, hardware solutions, technical support
and consultation.
I fully understand the spoken Finnish language but my reading/speaking is
not great.

I was a
web developer for over 20 years.
These days I spend my time tinkering
with hobby projects, mostly related to things on the Internet. I do enjoy
learning to play the electric guitar and recently have been delving into
tabletop role-playing games (TTRPG).
I was into researching cryptocurrencies until I lost interest after losing my
crypto holdings to the Celcius bankruptsy.
Check out this book I wrote
just before everything collapsed.
If you think you have an opportunity for me,
contact me!
I am interested in finding alternative sources of income, enjoying life,
the betterment of society, and helping others find happiness.